At EG, we understand continuous learning is a crucial part of an entrepreneurial culture. This pursuit of growth has recently inspired the founding of EG’s Hand Up program, which offers the opportunity for young leaders to be part of the EG team for six months and gain valuable new perspectives on the EG approach and broader investment industry.
More than providing just a desk, the Hand Up program allows young leaders to collaborate with the experienced staff at EG, assisting in asset management and community development. “We thrive in the workplace when we can both teach and learn from our peers, sharing knowledge collectively,” commented CEO Adam Geha.
In 2020, our program participants are settling into the EG team well. Shadowing the Capital Transactions team, Analyst Umer Abdullah has recently completed his Master of Supply Chain Management. Umer is also a keen basketball player and fan.
Working alongside Construction Director, George Chaaya is Analyst, Jad Chedid. Jad is in his final year studying a Master of Commerce at the University in Sydney. Jad is already showing great promise in the office table tennis tournament, facing down some of our highest ranked champions.
EG has also recently welcomed Ben De Winter and Brooke Fyfe, who are assisting the Business Development and Marketing teams respectively with industry research and process improvement, while completing their undergraduate studies.
We extend a warm welcome to Jad, Umer, Ben and Brooke as for their hungry, humble and intelligent contributions to the EG team.