Consistently outperforming market returns
EG is one of Australia’s largest independent real estate investment platforms. Our focus is on technology-enhanced investing that improves the world we share.
Investment philosophy
Investment process
Macro view
As big picture thinkers, EG constantly seeks to better understand the market and predict where it will go – integrating a macro view into all fund and asset strategies.
Deal flow
EG has a unique level of access to off-market and pre-market deal flow. We take a systematic approach to finding, interrogating and realising deals.
Risk assessment
Identifying and managing risk is a priority at EG. We provide superior metrics and guidance via our proprietary risk model assessment PRISMS® – free of confirmation bias.
Active management
EG is actively involved in identifying, acquiring and improving low performing assets. Asset management stays in house so we remain involved and accountable.
Our current real estate funds and mandates.