The Little BIG Foundation has demonstrated once again that residents actively participating within the community are forming friendships and increasing their sense of belonging.
The Social Connection Report 2023 surveyed more than 270 people to explore the impact of the Foundation, set up to tackle loneliness by fostering connections at the Flour Mill of Summer Hill and surrounds. The results show that the initiatives taken by the Foundation and its volunteers over the year have helped reduce loneliness by 10% amongst residents and 7% within the local community compared to 2022.
The data highlights that those who are actively participating were forming deeper relationships. Almost three out of four residents (73%) who took part in an event met someone new within the community. The connections were stronger for those volunteering, with 83% of those who volunteered at an event forming a new friendship over the year.
We are thrilled that loneliness within the community has decreased, with new friendships and connections being formed. It is great to know that relationships are going beyond a hello in the courtyard or elevator. 59% of people stated that they could count on a neighbour to bring groceries or essentials if they were sick. This is above the national response to the same question, which is 48%.
The Little BIG Foundation, along with our volunteers, is excited to increase our impact within the community and evolve the neighbourhood to be one that is recognised as happier, healthier, and kinder.
Nathan Lewis, a volunteer at the Little BIG Foundation, which hosts a board games night, shared his thoughts on volunteering: “I have made a ridiculous amount of new friendships, including a core group who have infiltrated my whole life. I can’t get rid of them in a good way. We now organise to go out for dinner or play trivia, constantly trying to find things to do together. I can’t emphasise enough that they have made a huge difference in my life.”
Little BIG is a not-for-profit social movement that fosters deep and personal connections, established by EG to counter loneliness.
It started with the Little BIG House at the Flour Mill in Summer Hill, a shared space that welcomes residents to engage and connect in their home community. Dedicated volunteers facilitate events to unite like-minded residents and build long-term friendships. In addition, Little BIG now activates the communities at several office buildings around the country.
Little BIG has a vision for happier, healthier and kinder communities where humans can form deep connections.