EG Grow is our unique personal and professional development program focused on helping you achieve personal, relationship and skills mastery through individual development opportunities and shared experiences. We believe enthusiasm for life beyond work is vital to staying motivated in your role.
Teams that play together, stay together
We like to think of our connections at EG as ones built on trust and shared vulnerability. This creates an environment where we can truly be ourselves at work. We do this by giving people time out from their day-to-day to connect on a more social level – thus fostering friendship and trust.
Nature Hub program
A series of EG-owned properties within a two-hour drive from the Sydney CBD, each Nature Hub is embedded within a unique natural landscape for our staff to enjoy – whether for remote working, team collaboration sessions, or just relaxing and having fun!
Events & celebrations
We take the time to stop and celebrate our wins by popping a bottle of champagne, organising a team lunch, or even heading overseas to mark the occasion. Team events involve cultural or sporting activities including rock climbing, picnics, art classes, pottery making and bowling.
Team members’ families are included in EG Cultural events. This gives us the chance to get to know each others’ families by doing things like snorkelling, camping and picnics together.